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This homeowner in Litchfield, IL has basement walls made of brick and damage has already occurred. Over time, the brick walls have become mis-shapen and have bowed in. Our Power Braces will prevent further damage to this homeowner's basement walls. These metal supports are placed along the wall to aid in bracing the wall from movement.
Maggie H. of Lichtfield, Illinois was troubled by her bowing foundation walls. The walls cracked as they bowed under pressure, and Maggie was concerned about her foundation collapsing. System design specialist Jeremy K. designed a solution.
Foreman Todd W. installed the Geo-Lock Channel Wall Anchors. These wall anchors prevent the walls from bowing in further. Maggie is relieved to know her foundation is safe and supported.
External soil conditions can damage walls, causing bowing, tilting and cracking. The walls may fail and collapse if left unchecked. Linda S. of Litchfield, IL was worried about the safety of her foundation walls so she called Woods Basement Systems. Woods recommended installing wall support systems.
Woods installed Geo-Lock Wall Anchors. Geo-Lock Wall Anchors counteract external soil conditions to permanently stabilize walls in position and prevent future damage. They can also straighten walls over time by tightening the anchors during dry soil conditions in most cases.
Linda S. of Litchfield, IL had a lot cracks in her foundation walls and floors. Long horizontal cracks had formed along the bowing stone block walls and made Linda worried that the walls might fail, so she called Woods Basement Systems. Woods recommended foundation wall support systems.
As part of that wall support system, Woods installed PowerBraces. PowerBraces are adjustable steel columns fit snuggly against the walls with steel brackets attached to the floor joists and concrete floors. The PowerBraces prevent future damage and stabilize walls in place. They can also be adjusted during dry months for the opportunity to improve the wall.
Tim C was concerned when he noticed that his basement walls were beginning to bow. So, he decided to call Woods Basement Systems. System Design Specialist Adam R was able to come up with a solution to the problem.
Foreman Jeremy R installed a Geo-Lock Wall Anchor in Tim’s basement. The Wall Anchor has two ends, one will attach to stable soil away from the house, and the other end will attach to the basement walls. The device will be tightened and overtime will straighten the wall.