Foundation Repair Photo Album: Stabilizing a Cracking Basement Wall in Sappington, MO
A basement wall was cracking in Sappington, MO, causing concern for the homeowners. To solve this issue, the GeoLock Wall Anchor System was installed. These are galvanized steel earth anchors embedded into the soil out and away from the foundation wall. Once installed, these will hold the walls in their current position and can be tightened to allow for improvement and straightening of the wall over time. These can be installed around obstacles on the wall such as pipes, sinks, or furniture. This is the best solution to straighten the wall over time, as it can fix severe problems and stabilize the foundation. Additionally, Hide-A-Way Wall Anchor Covers were installed. The snap-on design of these covers allows for future tightening and adjustment of the anchors. These will maintain a neat and clean look to the basement, and their low-profile design will optimize the valuable living space for years to come!
Foundation Issues
This basement foundation is cracking and causing concern.
GeoLock will keep the foundation stable.
Anchor Covers
These covers will enhance the look of the anchors.