Foundation Repair Photo Album: Settling Foundation Causing Problems Throughout the House Repaired with Push Piers in Hazelwood, MO
A foundation in Hazelwood, MO was settling, causing various issues around the house. Doors weren't shutting right and walls were cracking, and the floors seemed uneven. To solve these issues, the Push Pier System was installed. This will permanently stabilize the settling foundation and raise it back up. This will also help close cracks and improve the function of windows and doors. This will restore peace of mind for years to come!
Door Not Closing Right
This door is not closing correctly, since the foundation is settling and shifting the frame.
Crack by Doorway
A crack is also appearing by the doorway due to settlement.
Push Pier
This will raise the house back to its original elevation and keep it there.
Buried and Ready
The Push Piers will continue to support the house underground.