Cracks in Foundation
This homeowner noticed a deep-set stair-stepping crack in her basement wall. This caused her to reach out to Woods Basement Systems for the ultimate foundation repair.
Stair-Stepping Crack
The stair-stepping crack found on the basement walls was created by the pressure that the soil surrounding the home had placed on the wall. To solve this issue, the wall needed to be supported to prevent further cracking.
Before PowerBraces
PowerBrace beams were recommended by Team Woods to solve the issue with the cracking foundation. Two beams would be installed to bring support to the wall.
PowerBraces Installed
PowerBraces are made out of galvanized steel I-beams that are placed up against the wall to prevent the walls from bowing and moving. Unlike other beams, PowerBracesupports will not bend under pressure.
Secured in Place
The beauty with these PowerBrace beams is that they are secured into the ceiling and flooring to completely secure the beams from moving.
Job Complete
Now with the support of these PowerBrace beams, this basement will be safe from future wall cracking and movement.