Unaligned Front Porch in Collinsville, IL
Looking at the front porch one of the first issues you will notice is the aligned front steps leading up to the home. The steps have settled which creates a tripping hazard for anyone entering the home.
Cracking in the Exterior of the Collinsville, IL Home
Next to the front porch window you can see cracking of the exterior bricks. This area of the home was one of the more recent spots of the exterior that experienced cracking due to the home settling.
Collinsville, IL Exterior Stair-Stepping Crack Due to Settlement
One of the most common areas to notice cracking is around the windows of the home. The crack pictured is a stair-stepping crack. A stair-stepping crack indicates a huge issue with the stability of the home and should be treated right away. This shows that the foundation is experiencing movement that will only become more severe with time.
The Beginning of a Stair-Stepping Crack in Collinsville, IL
Stair-stepping cracking is shown in several locations in this Collinsville, Illinois home. On the side of this home we can make out a newly developing crack that will only get more severe with time. Thankfully this homeowner took action to install a new push pier system that will protect his home from further damage.