Front Corner that settled and dropped
This is the corner section of the front of the home with a basement that settled. 3 Piers were installed on the front wall and one around on the side.
Porch roof pulled in the direction the foundation was settling.
The gap shown was only on this one side of the front porch as the corner of the home dropped and pulled the roof away from the siding.
Inside front basement wall crack
The vertical crack and gap was due to the far corner of the foundation settling.
Preparing the footing the the pier bracket
The over pour and the extended part of the footing is chipped away for the proper placement of the pier bracket which is as directly beneath the basement wall as possible.
Piering Holes Dug
One last footing is being chipped and the pier bracket will be placed in the 4th location. The next pier is ready for the hydraulic ran to be placed. The started pier tub is showing at the top of the hole opening.
Pier Bracket Placed Under the Vertical Basement Wall
Once the footing is carefully chipped, the "L" shape pier bracket is properly placed. The first section of the pier is ready for the hydraulic ram to attached.
Wide view of the work area
The piering foreman is installing a pier and checking the pressure reading and depth of each pier placed.
Hydraulic Ram Installing Pier
Once the hydraulic ram is mounted to the pier bracket under the home's footing the ram is extended "Pushing" each section or the pier into the ground.
Ram being retracted for the next pier section
Once a section of the pier is driven and ram is retracted so another section of the pier can be installed into the soil.
Finished and Cleaned Up
The the removed soil is tamped back in place and raked up for a neat and clean finished project.