Foundation Crack
A crack in the foundation is a common sign of foundation settling, especially cracks that occur at the corners.
Crack From Corner of Door
Cracks coming from the corner of doors and windows are another sign of foundation settling. Since these are holes in the wall they are weak points and will give into settling first.
Floor Cracks
Cracks in concrete floors can be another sign of foundation settling. As one wall moves down quicker than others it can put pressure on the concrete floor slab. In a garage where the weight of a car is spread across the floor it can cause the crack to become very noticeable and even dangerous.
Push Pier Anchored to Foundation
By anchoring the Push Pier to the foundation we can ensure that it will not slip and that it takes on the weight of the home. Because we drill it in at a higher pressure than it will ever experience from the home we know they will last.
Reaching the Foundation Bottom
We can excavate a hole in order to reach foundations that go down far. Our installers and foreman are not afraid to get in the hole and make sure everything is still how it needs to be.
Multiple Push Pier Installed
Some walls will need more Push Piers than others. Here there are multiple piers in a row.