Ceiling and Wall Cracks
Cracks between the ceiling and wall or floor and wall are common signs of foundation settling. This can happen when the wall beneath them settles but they do not.
Loose or Wrinkling Flooring
As the walls and floors move, the flooring that was originally perfectly sized and become too big or small for the area.
Noticeable Seam in Ceiling
As one side begins to settle and pull away, the seams in the drywall will be the first places to show signs because they are weak spots.
Doors That Won't Latch Anymore
Doors are made to latch when perfectly closed. Doors that stick or do not latch could be off only centimeters but it is a sign. Since doors and windows are essentially holes in the walls they are very weak and will move first.
Gap Along Ceiling
A gap along the ceiling can show that this area has settled more than others.
Diagonal Crack From Window
A diagonal or stair step crack from a window or door shows settling. Since an opening in the wall creates a weak spot, this area is likely to shift first and more than other areas.
Retaining Wall Cracking
Here the retaining wall, which is lighter, is not settling while the home settles causing cracks.
Door Crack
Here is another look at what a diagonal crack leading from a door could look like.
Crack Full Length of Wall
After correcting the settling foundation, these cracks can all be fixed without worry of them reappearing.