Chimney Before Push Pier Repair
A chimney is a beautiful accent to a home. The structure of a chimney can lead to problems though.
Gap Between Home and Chimney
Since a chimney is all brick it weighs a lot. Since the weight is mostly held at the seem between the home and brick it can tear away over time.
Soil Around Chimney
Here you can see the soil is starting to get a lower grade around the chimney. This could be from wash out or settling.
After Push Piers Installed
Once the Push Piers are covered back up you cannot even tell the side was dug up. You can replace landscaping immediately in most cases.
Two Push Pier Solution
By installing two Push Piers we can change the weight distribution of the chimney and raise it back up. Paired with new attachments to the house this is the perfect solution and guarantees no future issues with the chimney settling.