Geo-Lock Wall Anchors in Hillsboro, IL
This photo shows the Geo-Lock Wall Anchors that were installed to stabilize this bowing Hillsboro, IL basement wall. You can see the wall plates with the rod in the center that extends to the yard outside the home.

Yard Measurement for Geo-Lock Wall Anchors in Hillsboro, IL
In this photo, you can see the measurement of the location of the in-ground anchors where the galvanized steel rods will be driven from the interior wall plates to the exterior wall plates. The exterior anchors are generally placed 8-12 feet from the wall to ensure they are installed outside of the active soil next to the home.

Anchor Covers in Hillsboro, IL
Here you can see the optional and aesthetically pleasing wall anchor covers installed over the wall plates on the interior of the basement.