Foundation Settlement in Decatur, IL
Foundation settlement is a common issue among older homes and buildings. Some common indicators of foundation problems are cracks extending from doors and windows, windows coming out of their square, and stair-step cracking. It is important to get the problem solved rather than putting it off because the settlement will only get worse over time. As the foundation problem does get worse, it’s going to cost more to fix it. Fixing the foundation settlement has other benefits including improving the resale value and appearance of the home, improving the operation of doors and windows, and keeping out insects and rodents that can enter through the foundation cracks. Woods Basement Systems uses Push Piers by Foundation SupportWorks to solve the foundation problems in this historical Decatur, IL building.
The first step of the installation process is to remove the soil from the areas where the piers will be driven. A heavy-duty steel bracket is then attached to the footing of the foundation. Steel piers are hydraulically driven through the bracket to a stable layer of soil. Then the weight of the building can be transferred through the piers to the soil below, which provides an opportunity for the building to be lifted back toward its original position. Once installation is complete, the soil is backfilled, and the building is permanently stabilized in its new position.
Push piers, also sometimes known as resistance piers, can be installed from the interior or exterior. Oftentimes, the installation of push piers closes cracks and improves the operation of doors and windows. They also have a quick installation time compared to other solutions, such as total foundation replacement.
Push piers solved this building’s foundation problems, and now the building can stand firm for many more years to come.