Settled Walls
Where the wall meets the ceiling, you can see that this wall has shifted and settled shown by the large crack. Over time this cracking will only worsen, so finding a permanent solution is vital to protecting the home.
Exterior Wall Settlement
Investigating this home, system design specialist, Thomas W., noticed this wall had lifted, creating an opening into the crawl space.
Wooden Pegs
Wooden pegs are never a permanent solution! Although they are an inexpensive, quick fix. Over time these pegs will only create more harm than good.
SmartJacks Needed to Restore Crawl Space
Here is an interior view of the wall that was previously shown outside. The opening that was created due to the settlement will allow unwanted critters, mold, water, etc. into the home. The optimal solution to prevent any further settlement would be to replace the wooden pegs with heavy-duty SmartJacks that will permanently lock the house back into place.