Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Waterproofing A Basement In Saint Louis, MO
A basement in Saint Louis, Missouri, had some water seepage issues that needed to be addressed. Woods came out and installed a TripleSafe Sump Pump some years previous. However. the pump could only remove water that it was able to collect. To help get the remaining water seepage to the pump for removal, Woods installed the WaterGuard System. This system consists of special cut piping that is installed directly into the floor. This is to avoid clogging from dirt or other debris. This piping will collect water seepage and direct it to the sump pump for efficient removal. With this install in place, this basement will see much dryer days in the future.
Sump Pump
While this pump was efficiently doing its job, it had no way of removing water that wasn't able to get to it.
French Drain Install
Here you can see how the WaterGuard attaches to the sump pump to effectively direct water to it.
Another French Drain Install Shot
This is another angle of the WaterGuard that, along with the UltraSump, will keep conditions dry.