Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Waterproofing a Leaking Basement in Saint Louis, MO
A basement was leaking in Saint Louis, MO, causing damage. To help solve this issue, WaterGuard™ was used. This system consists of pipes that lay directly beneath the floor and collect water. Then, a sump pump was used to discharge the water out of the basement. Next, IceGuard™ was used, which will allow the water discharged from the sump pump to travel out even when the pipes are blocked from snow or ice. Lastly, a LawnScape™ outlet was used to connect the discharge lines to a special extension that sends water away from the foundation while covering the end of the pipe. With these systems in place, the homeowner can rest assured that their basement will stay dry.
Wet and Moldy Basement
Water was leaking into this basement, causing mold and odors to get in.
Thanks to WaterGuard™, the water was able to be collected and the basement floors can stay dry.
Sump Pump
With this sump pump installed, water collected from the WaterGuard™ will be discharged out of the basement.
Discharge Lines
IceGuard™ will allow water to escape, even when ice or snow is blocking the pipes.
Discharge Outlet
Water is discharged away from the house, keeping the basement dry.