Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Waterproofing A Basement In Clayton, MO
A basement in Clayton, Missouri was having problems with water leakage. To fix this issue, Woods first installed a WaterGuard System. This is a system of plastic pipes that sit on top of the soil to prevent clogs and build-up. These pipes then take the excess water to the nearby sump pump. The TripleSafe Sump Pump System was then installed. This top of the line system has multiple pumps so that no amount of water is too much. Thanks to these additions, this home will remain dry for many years to come.
Water Damage
Water seepage through the walls is causing damage to this home.
French Drain Install
This WaterGuard System install is sure to help keep this basement dry.
Sump Pump Install
The TripleSafe Sump Pump will ensure this basement stays free of water damage in the future.