Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Waterproofing A Home In Centralia, IL
A home in Centralia, Illinois was having issues with flooding and water seeping through the floors. Woods came out to address the issues, and started by installing the WaterGuard System. This is a system of pipes that sit above the soil inside the home, preventing clogs from debris and other foreign objects. The water collected in these pipes is then directed to the sump pump nearby. Next, Woods installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This system has multiple pumps to ensure no amount of water is too much to handle. Continuing the project outside, Woods also installed the IceGuard System and the LawnScape Outlet. The IceGuard System prevents ice or other debris from clogging up the pipe. If for some reason the pipe becomes backed up, the holes in the IceGuard keep the water from backfilling into the home. The LawnScape Outlet connects the downspout to an underground outlet that carries roof water away from the foundation of the home. Thanks to these installs, this home is guaranteed to remain dry for decades to come.
Water Damage In Home
This home had water damage and leaking in this area, causing concern.
Redirecting Leaking Water
The WaterGuard System pictured here will direct any standing water to the sump pump nearby.
Sump Pump Install
Thanks to the installation of this TripleSafe Sump Pump, this home will remain water free for many years to come.
Sump Pump Discharge System
This IceGuard System will allow roof water to escape if the pipes freeze or become blocked for any reason.
Underground Downspout Extension
This LawnScape Outlet will successfully allow roof water to be disposed away from the home's foundation.