Water Near Stairs
Water was seeping from underneath the stairs where there was no perimeter waterproofing system put in place.
You can see where water was seeping out from underneath the stairs.
Water Leaking in Basement
The homeowner tried keeping the water from coming in and keeping the basement dry with towels before calling u s.
Wall Seepage
You can see where water is seeping from the cove joint which is where the wall meets the floor.
Job Completed
Another waterproofed basement and happy customer!
Installing a Lateral Line
We installed a lateral line that leads into the existing sump pump system.
Trench Drain installed
We installed a trench drain near the stairs to collect water and drain it into the lateral line the leads to the sump pump.
Installing Lateral Line Cont...
Another look at the installation of the lateral line. It will run from the trench drain to the sump pump.
Lateral Line Connection
Connecting the lateral line to the trench drain system.
Lateral Line Installation
You can see how far we had to install this lateral line.
Perimeter Waterproofing System
Installing our perimeter waterproofing system meant for monolithic foundations. This system collects water and drains it to the perimeter system and directs it to the sump pump.
Stairs Completed
The stairs are completed and have not been waterproofed.