Upgraded Sump Pump With Battery Backup
Here is a great view of the sump p ump system we installed with a battery backup to keep the system running in the event of a power outage.
Before Basement Waterproofing
The homeowner tried everything to keep water from getting into the basement. Here you can see the tarp that they had laying over where water was seeping into the basement at.
Job Progress
A photo of them filling concrete back where they had to jackhammer to install the system. Our system is installed right above the footing so it's discreet.
Rug Runners in Your Home
To protect your home, we lay down rug runners so we don't track debris throughout your home.
Before Rug Runners
To protect your home, we lay rug runners on any stairs or walkways that we will be utilizing as to now get any debris in your home.
Stopping Water Seepage
We installed our perimeter waterproofing system and also installed a vapor barrier that will direct the seeping water to the perimeter system and n ever on the floor of the basement.
Job Progress View Cont...
Another view of the job site. Here you can see where we installed the perimeter system and also a lateral drainage line to move water towards the sump pump system and ultimately away from the house.
Where Water Leaks
If you look at the very top of the wall you can see some water damage.