Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Leaking Basement Windows Repaired in Caseyville, IL
Water was leaking out of basement windows in Caseyville, IL, causing some damage. To solve this issue, WellDuct Window Well Drains were installed. This will drain water from the window well and into the WaterGuard System, which will guide it to the TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This system assures protection from common problems with an ordinary pump. It can handle a heavy flow of water, thanks to a second pump that will help eliminate the water if the first pump can't keep up. This system also includes an UltraSump battery backup system which turns on if the power goes out and effectively pumps out the water. This basement will remain dry and clean for years to come!
Leaking Windows
These basement windows have been leaking water recently.
Well Drains
These WellDucts will drain water from the window well into WaterGuard, which will guide this water to the sump pump.
Sump Pump
Included with the TripleSafe are two reliable cast-iron Zoeller pumps and a battery-backup UltraSump pump that will take over if the power goes out.