Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Faulty Sump System Replaced with UltraSump in Centralia, IL Basement
Judy K needed a new sump system in her basement. The current one was failing, not pumping out the water like it should. Woods installed the UltraSump System to successfully pump out the water that has been getting in the basement often. WaterGuard was also installed to help catch the water that drains down the walls and lead it towards the UltraSump. Judy can now rest assured now that she has a working sump system!
Failed Sump System
This sump system is not pumping out the water like it should be.
This sump system is ready to pump out the water that enters it through WaterGuard.
WaterGuard at Work
WaterGuard is ready to catch the water that is draining into it and lead it towards the UltraSump.