Sill Draintile Installation
An aerial view of the sill draintile being installed. We install this system similar to that of a basement, around the perimeter.
Before Draintile Installation
A look at the foundation where water was coming into the basement at. You can see around the perimeter where water has reached on the brick.
Installation Completed
You can hardly tell we dug to install a sillplate draintile around the perimeter of the outside of this home.
Drain Cover
This drain cover protects the discharge and drainage line from any debris or critters getting into the system.
Sump Pump System
This sump system includes three pumps and stands inside of the pit, a water watch alarm, and off to the right side of the photo out of view is a battery backup system to keep the system running in the event there is a power outage.
No Freezing Lines
The caps on the ends of the discharge line allow water to escape the system in the event the pipes freeze.
Draintile Installation
An aerial view of the draintile installation.