Discreet System
Our system is installed right above the footing of the floor. We remove concrete along the perimeter to install the system and then re-pour concrete to fill it for a discreet look.
Wall Flange
There are special wall flanges along the perimeter that create space between the floor and wall allowing any wall seepage to drain down into the system while keeping debris and dirt out.
WaterWatch Alarm
This system has a waterwatch alarm installed, the red circular piece on top of the pit. If the water rises too high without the pumps kicking on, the alarm will sound to alert you of a malfunction.
Installing Sump Pump
During the installation process.
Access Ports
The openings you see here are access ports in which we use to access the system and flush and service it.
Water Damage
The stairs had the most water damage so we were sure to waterproof underneath the stairs.
Waterproofed Home
Another happy customer with a waterproofed, dry all the time basement.
No Clogging
The two discharge lines that are coming from the side of the house have pieces on them that prevent the system from backing up and allowing water to still escape.