Access Port
The WaterGuard® Drainage System can be accessed through access ports placed at different points depending on the size of your basement.. This allows us to service and access the system for annual maintenance.

Sump Pump System
Here we have our perimeter system installed and have the sump pump system tied into it. This system has a WaterWatch alarm which alerts you like a smoke detector in the event the water rises and the pump(s) don't kick on.

Sump Pump Liner Pit
This is our twin liner pit that is designed to house two sump pumps and stands.

Perimeter System Installation
Here is a shot of the track being placed in the rocks We place our system in rocks instead of in the dirt. It keeps sediment from getting in the track.

Wall Flange
The piece here is the wall flange with spacers for collecting wall seepage

Discharge Lines
The discharge lines coming from the house also have pieces that prevent the lines from backing up, even if they are frozen.