Before Waterproofing
Before we started waterproofing the basement of the church.
The Entire Perimeter
When we say a perimeter system, we mean the entire perimeter of your basement. Here is a photo of half of the basement with the waterproofing system installed.
New Sump Pump
The size of this basement is large so the Pastor wanted to install the best of the best. This is our TripleSafeâ„¢ Sump Pump System, designed with 3 pumps in the event one of them fails.
No Freezing Lines
Because of the 2 white caps on the discharge lines coming from the house, they won't freeze.
Whole System View
Here is a photo of the church basement with our perimeter waterproofing system installed with a new sump pump.
New Discharge Line Cover
The green grate towards the bottom of the photo is a great cover used to keep debris and critters out.
Access Port
Towards the bottom of the left side of the photo, you will see a gray oval piece. This is the access port that we install into the waterproofing system. We use this port for service and to flush the system.