SaniDry Sedona
In the corner of the photo is our SaniDry Sedona, the world's most efficient, high-performance dehumidifier and filtration system. When installed in your basement or crawl space, the Sedona will help prevent mold and reduce musty odors, giving you dry healthy air and total comfort.
Waterproofing System
In this photo you can see the entire waterproofing system; WaterGuard, TripleSafe, CleanSpace and SaniDry Seodna.
Before Installing CleanSpace
Here is the basement before installing CleanSpace or the SaniDry Sedona.
Closer Look at WaterGuard
Here is a closer look at our WaterGuard System.
Installation is complete in one or two days, fixing your water problem instantly!
Before Waterproofing
Here is a photo of the basement before waterproofing