Trench Drian
This garage was having a problem with water sitting on top of the flooring and not exiting out the door liek it should, we solved the problem by installing a Trench Drain on the floor on the interior of the garage when the door closes. This will collect any water that is not collected by the WaterGuard.

Trench Drian
Here is another closer photo of the Trench Drain.

Around the perimeter of the room we installed WaterGuard, in this photo you can see the TripleSafe sump pump system working together with the WaterGuard.

WaterGuard is installed on-top of the footing, making it less likely that the drainage system will become clogged by dirt of debris.

WaterGuard is engineered specifically to be an efficient, long-lasting interior perimeter waterproofing system.

Here, we can see the IceGuard outside of the home, this will send the water away from the foundation of the home, even if the piping becomes clogged or frozen.

Difference of WaterGuard
WaterGuard is designed not to clog, does not rely on filter fabric, has a big drain outlet to the sump, and will not cause structural damage to the foundation.