Standing Water Leaks
Water would leak into this basement after heavy rainstorms. To solve this issue, Team Woods sent system design specialist, Josh S., who would design a waterproofing plan to protect this basement from water damage.

Personal Possessions
This basement was used as extra storage space for this family. The continuous exposure to water leaks could potentially harm the items stored in this space.

Home's Sump Pump
The basement did have protection against water leaks because they had a sump pump system. This sump pump system is vital to pump pesky water leaks back outside, but the space was missing a way to guide the leaks towards the sump pump.

WaterGuard Drainage System
To keep water out of the basement, a WaterGuard drainage system was installed into the footing of the basement walls to collect and prevent water leaks from seeping inside the basement.

Working Together
Together the home's sump pump system will pump out all water leaks collected by the drainage system. This duo will prevent water damage from developing inside and leave the basement safe and dry.

IceGuard & LawnScape Outlet
Outside the waterproofing continued. Connected to the discharge line an IceGuard extension was installed to prevent the line from clogging or freezing. Into the yard, a LawnScape outlet was installed to direct the water that is pumped outside into the yard and away from the house.