Water Leaked Inside
This basement was no stranger to water leaks. The entire floor was flooded a day before this image was taken!
Water Damage
The most common area where water finds its way into the basement is where the walls meet the floor. To prevent this from occurring, Team Woods would install a drainage system called WaterGuard to collect the leaks before they can create damage.
Wet Basement
Unfortunately, the water leaks caused the basement floor to stain and develop signs of mold residue. With the help of WaterGuards, this basement can protect itself from costly damages.
Damaged Wall
The walls weren't spared in this basement. Water can weaken the structure of the home if left untreated over time. Here the water had taken some of the paint off of the wall and caused the wall to move.
Outdated Sump Pump
This sump pump wasn't able to keep water out of the house. Team Woods would also install a TwinPack sump pump to ensure water is able to be pumped back outside.