Leading into the Basement
The stairs that led into the basement revealed that this home had experienced water leaks in the past. Team Woods took off the carpet to prevent the carpet from molding and smelling.
Preventative Measure
Although this space didn't usually experience water leaks, this homeowner wanted to waterproof his basement and protect his home from possible harm. A basement is the most sensitive area for water leaks, especially when laundry machines are stored in the space because often leak.
Protective System
WaterGuard drains were installed in the perimeter of the room to prevent water from leaking inside and standing in the home. These drains will catch the water leaks and direct them towards the basement sump pump to be pumped back outside.
BrightWall Panels & WaterGuard Drains
Here is a closer look at the freshly installed WaterGuard drains. These drains are sealed with a cement layer to prevent the system from backing up and clogging. On the walls, BrightWall panels were installed as another waterproofing barrier. These panels not only give the room a more attractive look but more importantly they help keep water out.
TripleSafe Sump Pump
What directs water back outside is this TripleSafe system. Any water that is collected by the WaterGuard drains will be pumped back outside throughout the discharge lines that are connected to the TripleSafe pump.
Basement Window Covered
As an extra precautionary measure, Team Woods also installed a cover on the basement window to prevent water from leaking in. Basement windows are often were water leaks can find their way inside because over time the window seals crack.