Falling Wallpaper
Water had leaked into these walls, causing the wallpaper to fall off the walls. Underneath the wallpaper, the homeowner noticed that the walls were water stained.
Water Damaged Wall
Water had leaked into these walls through the cracks that were cracked due to the pressure that the water had created. With time more cracks had developed allowing even more water inside.
Foundation Damage
If water leaks are left untreated, these walls could be in danger. Water will weaken the walls and led to serious foundation damage.
New Drainage System
In the footing of the basement walls, WaterGuard drains were installed to collect the pesky water leaks then send them to the basement sump pump. In order to install these drains into the finished section of the basement, Team Woods had to take out the lower section of the finished wall.
Unfinished Section
WaterGuard drains were also installed around the perimeter of the unfinished section of the basement. Here you can see the WaterGuard drains freshly installed with a layer of cement over the top. WaterGuards are sealed with a cement layer to protect the system from backing up and clogging, making this system dependable.
Updated Sump Pump
After the WaterGuard drains were installed, a TripleSafe sump pump was installed to discard the water that the drainage system collected. This system ensures that any water that leaks inside the basement is pumped back outside where it belongs.
Discharge Lines
The waterproofing didn't stop on the outside. IceGuards were attached to the discharge lines to prevent the lines from freezing or clogging during the harsh weather conditions.