Before TripleSafe
This basement had water damaged walls and floor because of the water leaks that had accumulated inside. Water damage can negatively affect the structure of the home, leading to costly and extensive repairs.
With TripleSafe
The TripleSafe sump pump was installed in the corner of the basement to collect the water leaks that the drains had collected. This pump is called the TripleSafe because it contains three pumps, two serving as backups, to ensure the system is always running.
Before WaterGuard
You can see the damage water leaks that accumulated on the floor. WaterGuard drains will prevent this damage by collecting the leaks before they can enter into the basement.
With WaterGuard Installed
WaterGuard is installed around the perimeter of the room in the footing. The drains are then covered with a cement topping to prevent the drains from clogging.
Before the LawnScape Outlet
Before this home didn't have a sump pump, so they didn't have a discharge line. Discharge lines are attached to the sump pump, and they are what direct water leaks outside of the house.
With the LawnScape Outlet
The green product you see in the grass is called a LawnScape outlet. The purpose of this outlet is to prevent the discharge line from clogging. The discharge line was buried in the ground to hide the line and keep it out of the way for mowing.