Before Installation
This homeowner wanted to use this basement for storage, extra living space, and a guest room. Unfortunately, water leaks threatened to damage her possessions.

Transformed with CleanSpace & WaterGuard
The renovation utilized CleanSpace vapor barriers on top of the walls and WaterGuard drains in the flooring.

Bright & Clean
The CleanSpace vapor barrier system will now protect the walls from water damage and will prevent water leaks from leaking into the basement. Instead, the leaks will be directed towards the WaterGuard drains.

Guest Bedroom
Water leaks had accumulated in the guest bedroom in the basement after heavy rains. To prevent the leaks from damaging the floor, walls, and possessions, the homeowner wanted to install a drainage system and a sump pump.

Drainage System & Sump Pump
In the corner of the room, a TwinPack sump pump was installed along with WaterGurad drains. Water damage had harshly effected this wall. Now with the drains and sump pump, the drains will collect the leaks and send them to the sump pump to be discarded. If this seems familiar and you are looking for a complete waterproofing plan, don't hesitate to talk to a professional at Woods Basement Systems today!