Finished Basement
An unwaterproofed, finished basement had experienced a few water leaks that worried the homeowner. To solve this issue, Team Woods installed WaterGuard drains and an UltraSump sump pump to waterproof the space.
WaterGuard Drains
WaterGuard drains are used to collect water leaks and block them from creating damage. These french drains carry the water to the sump pump so that the sump can pump the water out of the home.
WaterGuard Drains in Footing
What makes the design of the WaterGuard system unique is that it is installed in the footing of the wall. This design ensures that the system will continue to run smoothly because they won't clog.
UltraSump® Battery Backup Sump Pump
Along with the WaterGuard drains, an UltraSump sump pump was installed to pump out the potential water leaks. This sump pump will automatically switch to a battery-powered sump pump in case the primary pump fails.
IceGuard™ Anti-Freeze System
IceGuards were also installed on the discharge lines. The discharge lines are used to discard of the pesky water leaks. Adding IceGuards to the lines prevent the lines from clogging or freezing.