Old sump pump, St. Charles, MO
Single sump pump system without a battery back up sump pump did not provide this homeowner in St. Charles, MO with the peace of mind they wanted as they began finishing their basement.

Basement Wall Cracks
Concrete will crack but leaking after finishing a basement is costly. This was in St. Charles, MO

Looking for Basement Wall Cracks
As they were studding the walls, they notice a few cracks and the more they saw and them thought about the potential problems leaking in the future a crack repair was needed in St. Charles, MO

Before the crack repair
Face on photo before the crack was repaired, St. Charles, MO

Sealing the whole wall crack
Basement foundation wall cracks will often extend to the top of the footing. The footing is what is beneath the basement floor and supports the vertical basement wall. Woods breaks out a small section of the concrete basement floor to expose and seal the entire wall crack

Complete Wall Crack Reapir
This is the photo of the completed basement wall crack repair in St. Charles, MO

3 sump pumps in one sump pump pit
The Woods TripleSafe sump pump systems for this St. Charles, MO home is designed to contain three sump pumps

Primary, seconday and Battery Back-up sump pump
This photo shows the primary and battery back-up sump pumps for this St. Charles, MO home.

Sump pump finish photo and battery
St. Charles, MO after photo of the new concrete around the basement sump pump systems and battery. Each sump pump discharge line has an IceGuard on the exterior.

Exterior Work Area for the Sump Pump discharge line
St. Charles, MO home where the sump pump discharge line will be installed

IceGuard in the left hand.
Our patented IceGuard, shown in the left hand of the installer, is designed to make sure that water once pumped from interior sump pump is ejected to the exterior of this St. Charles, MO home in the event of a clogged or frozen

IceGuard connect to the yard drain
The discharge line for the sump pump is installed below the ground to a point in the back yard for proper system drainage.

At the end of the sump pump discharge line is a "bubble pot" in St. Charles, MO

Finished Exterior Photo
Once all the parts are installed the grass is replaced and the yard area raked.