Leaky, Wet Basement
This Maroa, IL basement had experienced its fair share of water leaks that created water stains and a musty smell. The homeowner wanted to clean up and waterproof this space so that he could utilize the area for storage.
Bright & Clean
Around the perimeter of the basement, WaterGuard drains were installed to collect the pesky water leaks and send it to the TwinPack sump pump. Along with the drains, you can see the BrightWall panels installed that not only brighten the room but are water-resistant and send any water leaks down to the drains.
Clean Air & No Water
The TwinPack sump pump was installed to discard of any water collected by the WaterGuard drains. Next to the TwinPack is the SandiDry Sedona dehumidifier that will clean and purify the previously musty, humid air.
Exterior Additions
The inside wasn't the only area that received improvements. Outside IceGuards were placed on the discharge lines to prevent the lines from clogging or freezing. This will be beneficial to the homeowners during the winter so they won't have to worry about water freezing in the lines.
LawnScape Outlet Added
Farther out from the home a LawnScape outlet was installed to keep the water from pooling around the house. This outlet will direct water away from the house to ensure the water isn't leaking back into the home.