Water Damaged Floors
During the wintertime, this homeowner didn't think water leaks would be an issue. Once the snow melts, water is capable of seeping in through the basement's walls cracks.
Protecting Storage
To protect the home's storage items, before the installation process the homeowner lifted all items off the water stained floor.
Water Damaged Walls
Cracks on the walls had created due to years of water damage to the wall. Through the cracks, water was able to leak into the basement easily.
Installing Drainage System
WaterGuard drains are installed around the perimeter and footing of the basement. The final touch to this installation process is to pour cement over the drains to seal the waterproof system.
Time to Dry
After the cement is poured, all that is left for the completion of the drainage system is for the cement to dry. Once the cement dries the floor will look seamless.
WaterGuard & CleanSpace Duo
The CleanSpace system has been installed on the basement walls, and the WaterGuard drains have been installed in the perimeter of the floor. CleanSpace works with the drains to move any water that may seep in through the wall and move it to the drains.
What is CleanSpace?
CleanSpace is an inorganic vapor barrier system. The importance of the material being organic is to prevent mold growth. This encapsulation system is water resistant to protect the walls from staining or molding.
Laundry Machines
If you store your laundry machines in the basement, this is often an area where water leaks can occur internally. If either of the machines were to experience a leak, the now waterproofed area would be able to discard of the water properly.
Water Collecting Sump Pump
The last waterproofing product installed was a TripleSafe sump pump. The TripleSafe sump pump is a pump that is composed of three pumps. There is one primary pump with two back-ups if the home experiences a power outage or a pump fails.