Entrance into the Basement
Right as the homeowner enters the basement the signs of water damage and settlement are easy to spot. The water had weakened the wooden staircase leading into the basement, and the walls revealed deep-set cracks.
Inside the Basement
This Louisville, IL Basement has been through countless amounts of water leaks. The walls show deep cracks that reveal foundation movement. The walls also show water damage near the floor, which is typically where water seeps into the basement.
Dirt & Grime Enter the Home
Through the water leaks dirt and grime where also able to enter the home. This wet and musty basement needs a draining system and sump pump to clean up and waterproof the area.
Cracked Walls Due to Water Leaks
The severity of the cracks alerts the homeowner that action must be taken right away. The cracking displayed under the window is a stair-stepping crack. Stair-stepping cracks are typically shown around windows and indicate that the home's foundation is experiencing movement.