Water leaking into the basement
The home owner was concerned that he didn't know where the water was leaking even though the seller installed a waterproofing system before he purchased the home.
Old Sump pump
Even though this section of the basement was higher than across the room, it showed signs of leaking.
Leaking Basement Window or not?
A great uncle of the homeowner advised him to place newspaper under the basement window and on the floor to determine if both were getting wet or just one area. Twice the wall was dry and the floor wet so redoing the waterproofing system and draining the water to another spot that was lower than the old sump pump location took care of the wet basement problem.
Leaking Floor Crack
If the sump pump is located in a higher part of the basement, higher than the location of the floor crack, water may be coming up there.
New drainage installed
A new section of basement waterproofing was installed and took the water to the lower spot in the basement where the new sump pump was installed.
Sump Pump Location
Replacing the old sump pump and waterproofing system and installing a new sump pump system in the lowest part of the basement helped to get the water out faster and kept it off the basement floor.