Dirty, Wet Basement
This Alton, Illinois home has constant battles with water damage. The homeowners grew tired of a musty basement and wanted to find a solution to fix this reoccurring issue.
Before Waterproofing
This basement even pictured has a puddle of standing water! This home called Woods Basement Systems in order to finally have a dry, clean space.
TwinPack Sump Pump
Our top of the line sump pump was installed in order to pump all of the water out of the home. This pump in particular is called a TwinPack which includes two pumps if one pump fails.
WaterGuard Installed
Next to the installed TwinPack sump pump you can see the installation of a WaterGuard. A WaterGuard is placed around the perimeter of the room to collect all of the water in a room that drains this water to the sump pump. The sump pump will then take this water and pump it out of the home.
WaterGuard Installed Alton, Illinois
Here is another picture of the WaterGuard that will dry and soon be not as noticeable! A WaterGuard is an essential tool to make sure that mold and water buildup stay out the home.
Overview of the Waterproofed Basement
This is a broader view of the newly waterproofed basement! Thanks to both the WaterGuard and the sump pump, this basement will be a more enjoyable place to hangout!