Landscaping Higher Than Sill Plate at Mehlville, MO Home
The sill plate is the wood beam that connects the foundation wall to the floor joist. This becomes an easy gap for water to get in. On most houses, the landscaping is lower than the sill plate. This way water naturally runs downhill away from the home. Sometimes though, the home is lower than the ground around it or overtime the landscaping builds up over the sill plate. This causes the water to pool near the house and increases chances of leaks from the sill plate.
Landscaping Above Sill Plate at Mehlville, MO Home
Here is an area on the house where the landscaping has built up over the sill plate level.
After Sill Plate Installation at Mehlville, MO Home
When we put in a sill plate drainage system, a 12-18" trench is dug around the home in the areas of problem. This trench is lined with a vapor barrier along the house and bottom, this forces the water into the tile instead of seeping into the ground and cause problems at the bottom of the foundation. The sill plate drainage tile is under the rock and collects the water to a central discharge line where it is moved downhill from the home. This rock can be covered with landscaping stones and lava rocks for more curb appeal.
Exterior Sump Pump at Mehlville, MO Home
In this home, the discharge line could not be run far enough away to be successful. We were able to install an exterior sump pump to force the water away from the home. The sump pump is designed to keep rainwater out so it cannot floor. Another good way to combat sill plate leaks is to bury downspouts and have them discharge downhill from the home. We did that on this home and connected it to the sump pump.
IceGuard on Exterior Sump Pump at Mehlville, MO Home
Featured here is our IceGuard on the the sump pump discharge line. The IceGuard allows an escape for water leaving the sump pump in the case the discharge line freezes or becomes clogged.