Unfinished Basement
This whole basement will have Basement to Beautiful on the walls and then covered with EverLast Wall Panels as the finishing touch.
Basement to Beautiful
This wall system was put on to make this homeowner's walls become warm and dry.
Basement to Beautiful
Basement to Beautiful lines all the walls and is carefully cut to fit around doors and windows.
Electrical Chases
Electrical chases are built into the panels, with vertical chases every 32" and horizontal chases 16" and 64" off the floor.
New installation
The studs leave 2" of uninterrupted SilverGlo foam behind them, so they don't compromise the insulation in your new basement walls.
These panels help keep the basement insulated and will never rot because of the inorganic material they are made out of.
Just before finished
The EverLast wall panels were finished in the basement and finished in this closet space. The last touches are installed the ThermalDry floor panels.
EverLast Panels are placed over the Basement to Beautiful to give it a finished look.
Open Door DryTrak
This is placed in front of doors just in case water seeps through. DryTrak catches the water and directs it towards the sump pump.
These drains were places at doors and garages to make sure water would flow through them and not into the basement.
Easy Access
Basement this door sits at the bottom of a staircase that means water can build up and sit in this space until it moves under the door. DryTrak is there to make sure water doesn't flow into the basement.
ThermalDry comes in a few different colors and styles to help you decide what finish you would like on the floor.
IceGuard was installed on the outside of this homeowner's house to make sure the pipe never clogs.
LawnScape was attached at the end of the discharge line to make sure water does not damage the home.