Photo Album: Waterproofing A Basement In Caseyville, IL
A basement in Caseyville, Illinois, was experiencing some water seepage issues that needed to be taken care of. Woods came out and first installed the CleanSpace System to catch the water coming in through the walls. This system consists of a durable sheet of material that will drain the water down below. The next install was the WaterGuard System. This system consists of specialized piping that is installed directly in the floor. It will direct any water it finds to the sump pump nearby for an efficient removal. With these installs in place, this basement will see much dryer days ahead.
Leaky Wall
This wall is starting to leak water.
Wall Encapsulation
This CleanSpace will drain water down below for removal.
Finished French Drain
This finished french drain will take the water to the sump pump for removal.
Finished Job
Thanks to Woods, this basement will see a much dryer future.