Photo Album: Installing French Drains In Collinsville, IL
A basement in Collinsville, Illinois, had some water seepage issues that needed to be addressed. While there was already a sump pump present, water was having a difficult time successfully making it there for removal. Woods came out and installed the WaterGuard System to direct the water to the sump pump. The system consists of specially designed pipes that are installed directly into the floor. They collect water seepage and direct it for an efficient and speedy removal. With this install in place, this basement will be dry for years to come.
Water Seepage
This water seepage isn't quite making it to the sump pump for removal.
French Drain Install
This french drain will guide the water straight to the sump pump for removal.
Site For French Drain
This is where the other section of french drain will be installed.
Completed Job
With this install in place, this basement will see much dryer conditions in the future.