Photo Album: Stabilizing A Foundation In Bunker Hill, IL
A home in Bunker Hill, Illinois, had some foundation walls that were showing signs of failure. Woods came in and installed the GeoLock Wall Anchor System to address these stability concerns. This system consists of steel plates that are installed directly on the wall. They are connected to steel rod lines that are attached to other anchors installed out in the yard. As these steel lines are tightened, the force pulls the foundation wall securely back into place. With this install in place, this home is sure to stay stable for decades into the future.
Moving Foundation
This displacement is a sign of a moving foundation.
Exterior Wall Crack
This exterior wall crack will only continue to get worse if the foundation issues are not addressed.
Another Crack
The foundation issues causing this crack need to be addressed.
Site For Anchors
This is where the GeoLock Wall Anchors will be installed.
Wall Anchors
These GeoLock Wall Anchors will keep the foundation secure.