Photo Album: Stabilizing Foundation Walls In Lincoln, IL
A home in Lincoln, Illinois, was having some stability issues that needed to be addressed. Large cracks were starting to appear on the interior basement walls, a sign of a moving foundation. Woods came out and installed the GeoLock Wall Anchor System to address this issue. Steel plates are attached to the wall, connected to steel rods and anchors, and buried some ways away in the yard. As these rods are tightened, the plates and rods pull the wall back into place, alleviating any existing concerns. With this install in place, the homeowners no longer have to fret over their foundation's integrity!
Major Wall Crack
This wall crack indicates the presence of some developing foundation issues.
Wall For Anchor Install
This is where the GeoLock Wall Anchor System will be installed.
Anchor Install
These anchors will pull the wall back into place, alleviating all foundation concerns.