Photo Album: Waterproofing A Basement In Urbana, IL
A basement in Urbana, Illinois, had some water seepage issues that needed to be fixed. Woods came out and addressed the situation. Their first install to manage the water seepage was a french drain system. This WaterGuard System consists of specially made piping that sits directly inside the floor. This guarantees the pipes won't get clogged from dirt or other debris. These pipes then take the collected water to a nearby sump pump for proper removal. The next install then, was a new sump pump. The TripleSafe Sump Pump is a top of the line system, with not one but two pumps to consistently pump out water. The last install to manage the water seepage were sump pump discharge lines. These lines, called IceGuards, have specially made holes to prevent issues commonly seen from frozen pipes. Thanks to Woods, this basement will have much dryer conditions then it did previously!
Site For French Drains
This is where the new WaterGuard System will be installed.
French Drains Install
The WaterGuard pictured here will catch any water seepage before it can appear.
Sump Pump Install
The french drains will take the water they collect to this sump pump for removal.
Sump Pump Discharge Outlets
These IceGuards won't allow frozen pipes to ever become an issue.
More Outlets
Some more IceGuard Outlets are pictured. They will take water from the sump far from the home's perimeter.