A home in Fisher, Illinois, had signs of a settling foundation. Cracks were apparent on the interior, exterior, and foundation walls of the home. To address this issue, Woods installed support piers that would offer more stability for the foundation. The PushPier System permanently stabilizes the home's settling foundation and in many cases, raise it back up. Engineered steel tube sections are driven through steel foundation brackets, past unstable soils, to the solid bedrock beneath it. This will allow the home to sit on a solid foundation, where it will stay solid. With this install in place the homeowners stabilization concerns are alleviated.
Wall Crack
This wall crack is being caused by foundation issues.
Basement Wall Crack
One of the first signs of a shifting foundation are cracks appearing in the walls.
Interior Crack
If this crack is not addressed, it and the foundation issues causing the crack will only continue to get worse.
Foundation Crack
This house needs some major foundation work.
Another Interior Crack
This crack is a sign of a failing foundation.
Pier Install
With these piers in place, this home will once again have a stabilized foundation.