Photo Album: Stabilizing An Exterior Wall In Decatur, IL
An exterior concrete wall in Decatur, Illinois, had some major cracking that needed to be addressed. More than likely, ground soils were starting to become displaced causing the ground above to shift. To fix this, Woods came out and installed the GeoLock Wall Anchor System. This system consists of steel plates that are fastened directly to the troublesome wall. These plates are connected by rods to anchors buried a good distance away. As these rods are tightened, they pull the wall back into place, also preventing any further cracking or damage. With this install this wall will be sturdy for many years into the future.
Damaged Wall
Moving ground soils are most likely the cause of this cracking.
Support Plates Install
With these GeoLock Wall Anchors in place, the problem is sure to be resolved.
Repaired Wall
Thanks to Woods, this wall will remain intact for many years to come.