Photo Album: Waterproofing A Basement In Mahomet, IL
A basement in Mahomet, Illinois, was having some waterproofing issues that needed to be addressed. To resolve this, Woods first installed the WaterGuard System. This system consists of piping that runs directly underneath the floor to avoid clogging. It directs standing water to the nearby sump pump so it can be removed. Next, Woods installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump. This is a top of the line system with double the pumping power, ensuring that no amount of water is too much to remove. Lastly, Woods installed new sump pump discharge lines. The IceGuard System prevents frozen pipes from ever backfilling or presenting an issue. Thanks to these installs, this home will stay dry for decades to come.
New Sump Pump Location
This is where the new sump pump will be installed.
Sump Pump Install
Thanks to this TripleSafe Sump Pump install, this basement will stay dry for many years to come.
Sump Pump Discharge Line Install
This IceGuard install will prevent frozen pipes from ever presenting an issue.