Photo Album: Moldy Crawlspace Restored with CleanSpace in Danville, IL
Philip A was concerned about his crawlspace. Humid air was getting in, making the crawlspace damp, and allowing mold to grow. It was beginning to smell throughout the house, as well. To solve this issue, Woods installed the CleanSpace Liner to the crawlspace. This will isolate the crawlspace from the ground, and keep it free of insects, water, and mold. Philip can now rest assured knowing that his crawlspace will stay clean and dry!
Wall Mold
The walls of this crawlspace have become moldy because of humidity.
CleanSpace Covers Wall
CleanSpace covers crawlspace walls, so moisture can't get through.
Mold and Dirt on Floor
The floor of this crawlspace has been covered with mold because of how humid it has become.
CleanSpace Restores Floor of Crawlspace
The floor of the crawlspace has been separated from the earth, so now it will stay dry and clean.